Audio is the Faceless Celebrity

Actors and actresses have to look good, emote, as well as sound good when they speak. So when I compare the whole acting industry with audio recordings I feel like it's a huge plus for voiceover artists who don't have to "necessarily" show their faces (I mean, I know these days you do both, like record yourself on video and audio), but I kind of like the option being there that the video (or being on camera) is secondary. I'd much rather worry more about the sound, pace, clarity of a reading than my emotive gestures and facial expressions (or acting) in front of a camera. 

Funnily enough, though, that doesn't mean I don't have to watch what I eat. Nope. Even audio people, like what I call myself, have to observe what foods don't help them perform on the mic. But why does it always have to be foods I love that conflict with my audio work?

Apparently fried and spicy foods (duh me) don't obviously help me perform my best on audio--when I have to clear my throat a thousand times in between breaths or takes. Anything that I eat that makes me feel too full (then I can't take large enough breaths), belch (which interrupts my reading and gets recorded and has to be edited out), or have a scratchy throat; or conversely, if I'm too hungry and my stomach growling distracts me or the sound of it even gets recorded--neither end of the spectrum is good.

I also have to say that not getting enough sleep or being too tired also prevents me from having enough energy in my voice when I record.

Strangely, it's like being Goldilocks for recording. I can't be too hungry or too full. I can't be too hot or too cold (otherwise I'm distracted with my discomfort or like fans or air conditioning have to be turned on and they have to be edited out of the recording later). I can't be too tired (as I make more mistakes when I read) nor too rushed (as it comes across through the pace or sound of my voice).

It's rather ironic that all the things that would make actors or actresses having to be so vain (by eating and sleeping right) would still apply to me when I don't even have to (or want to) show my face! I imagine this plight is much more akin to singers who must make sure their voice is in tip top condition and in a 'perfect' state to do their performances on demand. This actually brings a whole new appreciation for professional singing artists and actors/actresses. They have to have the whole package, in sight and sound, while I have the choice to focus more on my sound than what what the sight of me looks like.

Words (or sounds) to bite on.


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